Who’s steering this ship, anyway?

Mollie Swisher
Favorite Technology? iPad, makes reading several books simultaneously, very easy!
Which sports catch your eye? Baseball, Golf, Football, Basketball, Volleyball…pretty much all of them at any level!
Most preferable day of the week? Thursday!
Sweet or salty? Great question, Peanut M&M’s and Sea Salt & Caramel Shakes are my go-to’s!
What “lesson from Mom” do you still live by? “Study hard, and learn lots!”
Contact: mollie@camnet.us
Jason Broach
MSP Operations Manager
If you could time travel, when and where would you go? Past: perhaps to pivotal moments of my life. Future: To discover the status of our solar system without the Sun and if we solved how to address it.
Favorite thing about your job? Learning new things and putting myself in uncomfortable situations.
Does pineapple belong on pizza? Agreeable, but not my preference
What is one rule you live by? Treat others how you want to be treated
Contact: Jason@camnet.us
Elizabeth Scott
Business & HR Director
Favorite Technology? It would be my iPhone, just amazes me that it can take and store all my photos, music and books, it can allow me to watch my shows and still keeps me connected to friends, family and everything else!
Last thing you read? I’m on a bit of an Agatha Christie kick at the moment, so it would have been a Poirot short story.
Favorite Season? Autumn (Fall). I love the colors, the crisp air and the nights starting to draw in.
If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Cheese sandwiches with real proper strong cheddar cheese!
Coffee or Tea? I’m the absolute British stereotype when it comes to my tea, even if I am considered a little strange for having it weak with no milk or sugar.
Contact: Elizabeth@camnet.us